Two Week Challenge
Change is difficult for everybody. Trying to change long term behavioural patterns, such as eating disorders, can seem impossible. The Two Week Challenge can help. Over a two week period, using the worksheet on this website, track your eating disorder symptoms and what is happening in your life when these symptoms or thoughts occur. Find the patterns of conflict and/or isolation that are feeding your eating disorder. And then note what happens when you address these difficulties. Do you feel less symptoms, less urge, once you have addressed some of these problematic relationships?
Prior to starting The Challenge, make a list of what some of the issues may be, so that you can start working on these conflicts immediately. Your list may include certain people who are bothering you; or a ‘friend’ who is always saying things to insult you. Maybe it is that you are always spending time alone. Perhaps your symptoms are aggravated by finding yourself filling the role of “domestic help” while your partner enjoys only the good part of domestic life? Or maybe your eating urges arise due to a whole lot of little things that you have been putting off, that you never seem to have time for, but are constantly on your mind.
Don’t forget to get a text buddy to help you through this challenge. This person could be a friend or a relative, or anyone else you trust. A text buddy is someone who makes you feel safe, who won’t criticise you, who understands you, and will support you through this challenge.
So do a two week trial, see what difference it makes.
Give it a go!